ONU protesta, FUNAI denuncia.

Ontem, a ONU protestou formalmente pelo fato do Brasil não enviar informações solicitadas sobre inúmeras violações dos direitos humanos que vêm sendo cometidas contra as populações indígenas. São denúncias de invasão de reservas, de estupros intimidatórios cometidos por seguranças de fazendeiros, descumprimento de acordos para garantir moradia e atendimento à saúde. Hoje, a FUNAI informa que o uso de cocaína está tomando conta das aldeias indígenas das zonas de fronteira, transformando jovens em viciados e traficantes, além de que plantações de coca têm sido descobertas em pleno território brasileiro. As denúncias se acumulam, inclusive aquelas que dão conta do uso de tribos por ONGs estrangeiras para ocupar e explorar ilegalmente reservas de minérios estratégicos, sob as vistas grossas de um governo corrupto. É uma tragédia anunciada, patrocinada pelo Governo Lula.

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Prezado Sr. Cel:

"Lá fora" como de hábito, o assunto é rápida e profissionalmente tratado. Aquí, além do exército curiosamente diminuir o tamanho da área descoberta, veja a declaração do Ministro da Defesa no ultimo parágrafo, mantendo o perfil "sonífero-reativo" e de "enrolation" do governo.

"US officials call for increased vigilance following Brazil coca find

The Associated Press Published: March 17, 2008
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil: U.S. anti-drug officials on Monday warned Brazil to be vigilant against the spread of cocaine production, following the unprecedented discovery of Amazon coca plantations.
Brazilian "law enforcement is going to have be vigilant on this front, so it doesn't become a major producer" of the drug, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency spokesman Garrison Courtney said by telephone from Washington, D.C.
Brazil's army on Sunday announced it had discovered a cocaine laboratory and coca plantation spread over 100 hectares (250 acres) of Amazonian jungle — an area long considered unsuitable for the crop.
The army downgraded its find on Monday, saying the plantation in fact covers about 2 hectares (5 acres). It gave no reason for the revision.
Brazil is still far from being a major producer of cocaine, largely because the coca plant does not traditionally grow in its often sweltering climate.
But if the plant could be cultivated there, "the Amazon would be a perfect area, with all the brush and uninhabited areas. It almost creates a perfect opportunity," Courtney said. "Drug traffickers and organizations are always moving to new areas."
Brazil shares borders with the world's top cocaine producers, including Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, but has never been considered a drug-producing nation.
Coca leaf, the raw material for cocaine, is usually grown in mountainous Andean regions. But hybrid strains of coca have in recent years been found growing at low altitudes in Colombia's Amazon territory.
Brazil's discovery marks the first time a coca plantation has found in the country, and it has prompted a search for similar fields in the region, said Brazilian army Lt. Col. Antonio Elcio Franco Filho.
The army destroyed the coca fields, but arrested no one during their raid, Brazilian state media reported.
The Brazilian Amazon is an often lawless region larger than Western Europe. Its border with Colombia spans dense jungle and has very few border controls.
Some 2,000 Colombians, fleeing clashes between soldiers and guerrillas, have entered Brazil illegally in the past four months, according to the Catholic Church's Solimoes Pastoral, a local church activist group.
Brazilian Defense Minister Nelson Jobim on Friday said the army plans to make securing the country's Amazon borders a top priority, but he gave few specifics". http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/03/17/america/LA-GEN-Brazil-Coca.php


Os índios são os maiores idiotas-úteis que o comunismo entrou na América Latina.
