
A ficha é de 1924 e também só apareceu agora. A ficha de Hitler era muito mais inocente do que a ficha que apareceu no Brasil, neste ano, como um aviso. O El País publica que ela foi encontrada no Arquivo Nacional da França e dizia: "ele não é um idiota, é um demagogo astuto; é o Mussolini alemão; comanda grupos paramilitares de orientação fascista". À época, Hitler era o líder do Partido Nacional Socialista Alemão dos Trabalhadores, um equivalente ao PT de hoje. O espião francês não informou se Hitler representava algum perigo. Por aqui, não está sendo por falta de aviso.

9 comentários

Por falar nessa corja delinquente toda, perfeito (como sempre) o artigo de Diogo "Lula é minha anta" Mainardi na VEJA que acaba de chegar às bancas:

" (...) Quem já assistiu a um cinejornal do “Istituto Luce” sabe perfeitamente o que esperar de Lula, o Filho do Brasil. Benito Mussolini, em Roma, conclamando as massas, é igual a Lula, no ABC, imitando Bussunda. O chefe da propaganda de Benito Mussolini era seu genro, Galeazzo Ciano. Lula, por sua vez, tem de se arranjar com Franklin Martins, coordenador do MinCulPop lulista. Mas o fato é que, a cada dia mais, o “filho de Dona Lindu” macaqueia o “filho do ferreiro de Predappio” – só que num cenário mais indigente e embolorado.

Se o crack de 1929 consolidou aquilo que Benito Mussolini chamou de “estado empreendedor”, o crack de 2008 fez o mesmo com Lula. A economia fascista tinha IMI e IRI, bancos públicos que forneciam crédito à indústria italiana, privilegiando os aliados do regime. A economia lulista tem Banco do Brasil e BNDES, que desempenham um papel semelhante. Benito Mussolini era celebrado na propaganda oficial por ter “restringido as desigualdades sociais”. Lula? Também. Os triunfos italianos nas Copas do Mundo de 1934 e 1938 foram creditados ao Duce, que compareceu aos jogos finais, assim como a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e a Olimpíada de 2016 foram creditadas a Lula. Recentemente, Lula arrumou até seu próprio ditador antissemita, que promete repetir o holocausto: o iraniano Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, recebido com pompa na capital do lulismo. Os “anos do consenso” de Benito Mussolini duraram de 1929 a 1936. Quanto podem durar os de Lula? (...)"


Já que o tema é LIXO, deixo o vídeo sobre a "suposta" fraude no concurso da PRF 2009

Já apelidaram a FUNRIO de FUNLIXO


Outra bomba, esta no Le Figaro. Livro revela que Juan António de Samaranti do COI era agente do KGB nos anos 70.


"No es idiota, sino un demagogo bastante astuto."

A descrição é concisa, perfeita. Retrata, com impressionante fidelidade, o perigo que ronda o Brasil.

Heil ...!


E digo mais: que se dêem conta do que fazem aqueles que, de fora do país, estão passando a mão na cabeça do monstro, com salamaleques, elogios e prêmios fajutos! Enquanto isso, ele interfere na soberania de países vizinhos, apÓía governos e organizações terroristas, e acoita bandidods e assassinos internacionais!


Como será nosso futuro:

A former soldier has become the latest victim of the predatory UK police state after he was arrested and convicted by a jury for handing in a shotgun to his local police station after discovering it in his garden. The man faces 5 years in jail due to draconian gun control laws that dictate members of the public cannot even touch a gun without being charged with “possession of a firearm”.

“Paul Clarke, 27, was found guilty of possessing a firearm at Guildford Crown Court on Tuesday – after finding the gun and handing it personally to police officers on March 20 this year. The jury took 20 minutes to make its conviction, and Mr Clarke now faces a minimum of five year’s imprisonment for handing in the weapon,” reports Surrey Today.

In a statement read out in court, Mr Clarke said: “I didn’t think for one moment I would be arrested.”

“I thought it was my duty to hand it in and get it off the streets.”

Clarke discovered that the gun had been discarded in a bin liner at the bottom of his garden, which backs on to public fields, and called Chief Superintendent Adrian Harper to let him know he would be visiting the police station.

When Clarke removed the gun from the bin liner and placed it on the table facing towards the wall, he was instantly arrested for possession of a firearm.

Despite the fact that Surrey Police issued a leaflet encouraging people to “report found firearms,” Clarke was told by the prosecuting attorney that his honest intentions were irrelevant and that possession of a firearm was a “strict liability” charge.

“Just by having the gun in his possession he was guilty of the charge, and has no defence in law against it, he added.”

Clarke now faces 5 years in jail for attempting to perform a law-abiding action by turning in the gun to police.



This is just the latest example of how the UK police state has been malevolently manufactured to oppress the innocent in a predatory fashion. The British justice system is deliberately structured in such a way that it vampirically feeds on law-abiding members of the middle class while the real criminals are coddled and pardoned.

Like most cities in the UK, in my town the more affluent areas are full of cops running speed cameras attempting to suck off the fat hog that is the British taxpayer. However, in the worst slum areas which routinely top crime league tables, police are nowhere to be seen, and will refuse to even visit some areas at all.

When I lived in one of the worst areas of town, local teenagers would openly carry guns as they walked down the street and nothing happened. And yet if a responsible and law abiding citizen finds a discarded gun in his back garden and turns it in to the cops, he is arrested as a criminal.

Over the past 15 years, we’ve all become familiar with the routine cases of where a law-abiding person attempts to repel an attack by a criminal or defends their home against a violent burglary, only for them to be charged with assaulting the criminal and not vice-versa.

This system is deliberately intended to be insane, confusing and Kafkaesque in order to strike fear into the hearts of law abiding citizens while enabling real criminals to go about their business. This is a key component of destroying a society. You have to create a Clockwork Orange-style cadre of young thugs to terrorize the general public in order for them to beg the state for increased police state measures to deal with the problem. However, once those new powers are introduced they are only then used to target the law-abiding segment of the population that called for them in the first place. This allows the real criminals free reign to continue their terror and the whole process recycles itself.

This is why the British government and the justice system, under the auspices of the insidious Common Purpose organization that has taken over nearly all levels of society in the UK, have allowed an entire underclass of yobs, scum and hooligans to run roughshod over the frightened public by ensuring their terror goes unpunished, which only encourages them to continue their behavior.

The purpose is to ensure the middle class is constantly under assault from every possible angle, leading to a gradual erosion in trust and a population living in a constant state of fear, paranoia and fealty – the perfect cocktail for tyranny.


1924 - Ano do putsch de Munique.

Um dia sairá a ficha do SNI de 1977 do sapo barbudo .


What I read from the ´´anônimo`` above makes all the sense. In reality anyone that stops to reflect about what is happening in societies throughout the planet could only come out with the perception of a very well orquestrated plan to disrupt the fabric of stability in society.

It seems there is some kind of master plan brewing in the background of governments, although I, my own self, get in conflict when I think that those same governments would be cohesive enough to think the same way. Not our Lula to say the least!

There is another probability and that would be human race is unknowingly but naturally been pushed to the edge of self-annihilation.
